The objective from the outset was to reinforce that UraniumSA was not being established on the same basis as other small exploration companies. It was going to be a company with lateral approaches and different structures and skills. This meant avoiding cliché images and symbols derived from rocks, drill rigs or geological pictures. We assisted them to recognise their unique business position in the market and created the necessary visual language to facilitate that point-of-difference.
As part of our overall strategy, we then incorporated visual messages that reflected the vitality and energy of the industry. This combined with the logo gave us the visual tools to keep the corporate message uniform as we applied it to other various communication requirements. All sharing the same branding attributes to create a memorable and distinctive presence.
Brand success: The Initital Public Offering (IPO) was made in mid 2006. This was successful and heavily oversubscribed. Confidence in the brand is an on-going perception, however, we are able to play our part by producing cost-effective solutions by adapting these initital visual elements to keep the brand message consistent and focussed. We also believe that this makes the organisation attractive to employees and aids in the retention of staff.